Reference resources like these are ideal for a very broad overview of a topic. This is a good starting place if you're investigating a playwright, type of theatre, historical time period, or place that's brand new to you.
Why? To explore a premier virtual reference collection including encyclopedias, dictionaries, and atlases in a wide expanse of subject areas
What? Encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files, and video
Why? To search an encyclopedia covering theater and performance
What? Encyclopedia entries
When? Ancient Greek theatre - modern times
Why? To explore Victorian cultural selections from the British Library including playbills, scripts, and scores
What? Primary sources
When? 19th century
Why? To explore a full-text archive of scholarly journals, particularly strong in the arts and humanities, and access Artstor's 3M+ images
What? Journal archives, images
When? 1665 - present
Why? To search the largest periodical resource available, bringing together databases across all major subject areas
What? Full-text articles
When? 1970 - present
Why? To access 380+ journal titles and 220+ eBooks on fine, decorative, and commercial art as well as architecture
What? Scholarly coverage, analysis, criticism, and images
Books and ebooks can provide a more in-depth look at a topic, place, playwright, or historical moment. Search by topic on LibrarySearch.