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Records Management at UNC School of the Arts

This guide provides information and guidance for UNCSA employees with records management responsibilities.

Records Retention Schedule

The UNC System General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule provides guidance on how long to retain records for legal, fiscal, and historical purposes. The Schedule is organized into 18 broad groups based on different University functions, and is further broken down into more specific record types. Record groups refer to the purpose and function of the records, not the department or unit creating them, so you may find that records created in your department fall into several of these groups.

Additional guidelines for performance and marketing-related records can be found in the UNCSA-Specific Records Retention and Disposition Schedule. Please see the School's Records Retention Policy for information about records management roles on campus.

If you think a record type is missing from the schedule, or if you've found an error, please contact the University Archivist.

Concepts and Terms in the Records Schedule

  • Disposition Instructions: how long you must keep a record in office and what to do after that period ends
  • Litigation Hold: a direction halting the scheduled destruction of any records that are potentially relevant to litigation, investigation, audit, or other official action.
  • Office of Record: the organization or administrative unit that is officially designated for the maintenance, preservation, and disposition of a record.
  • Permanent Record: records of enduring historical, fiscal, or legal value that must be maintained indefinitely.
  • Public Record: N.C. General Statute Chapter 132, the North Carolina Public Records Act, provides this definition of public records: "Public record" or "public records" shall mean all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data-processing records, artifacts, or other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in connection with the transaction of public business by any agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions.
  • Record Copy: a record held by an office that is the official keeper of that record for the University.
  • Reference Copy: a record held by an office for its own reference that is not the official record for the University.
  • Record Custody: the office of record that creates or receives a record is responsible for retention requirements
  • Record Series: group of records that are created, received, or used in the same activity
  • Sensitive or Confidential Information: information that is personal or confidential as defined by federal or state law and should be protected from public scrutiny.
  • Transitory Records: records that were created for temporary use (e.g. emails or memos about schedules) with minimal intrinsic value.

Strategies and Tips

  • Familiarize yourself with the Retention Schedule.
  • Use the appropriate sections of the Retention Schedule to organize and label paper or digital records as you create them; note the date for destruction or transfer to the Archives in the folder or box name.
  • Designate a person or group of permanent employees in your department to handle records management activities, and schedule regular times to review your records.
  • Include records management in new employee training.
  • Schedule a consultation with the University Archivist.