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Library Resources for Graduate Students

Resource in the library with information for graduate students in Music, Design & Production, and Filmmaking

Research Consultations

Members of the library staff are available for in-depth research consultations whether it be a small class assignment or for thesis preparation.  Please contact Sarah Falls or use this form to schedule an appointment.

As You Like It, 1978, courtesy of UNCSA Archives

Streaming, eBooks, eJournals, and Articles

Databases are online collections of materials such as journal articles, images, sound recordings and even entire books.

View all library databases (Browse A-Z or by subject)

UNCSA Writing Center

The UNCSA Writing Center is located in the Teaching and Learning Center above the Library Cafe.  See the link below for more information.

UNCSA Writing Center

Citation Guidelines

When you use someone else’s ideas or quotes in your own research, you must give the author credit through a footnote or an entry on your “works cited” page. These entries follow a specific format which should be verified with your instructor. The MLA Format is one of the most widely-used and may be accessed at which is courtesy of the Online Writing Lab or OWL at Purdue University.


In addition to the OWL site, the library has print style manuals in the Reference collection.  Two of the most widely used are listed below. Both provide standards for citing sources that will include the information a reader will need to locate the source you used and to give the author credit for the use of his work in your research.

MLA Handbook

Chicago Manual of Style

Subject Guides

The subject guides listed below are intended to provide in-depth research information on specific subjects.  There is a complete list on the library's website. 

Music Subject Guide

Design & Production Subject Guide

Filmmaking Subject Guide