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Resiliency: Exercise, Nutrition, and Physical Health

This guide provides resources about exercising and physical health's effect on mental health.

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Exercise is defined as, "a subset pf physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive and has a final or intermediate objective the improvement or maintenance of physical fitness." (Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M., 1985).

Physical fitness is defined as, "a set of attributes that are either health- or sill-related." (Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M., 1985).

Physical health is defined as, "a state of well-being when all internal and external body parts, organs, tissues, and cells can function properly as they are supposed to." (Leist, 2021)

Nutrition is defined as, "the taking in and use of food and other nourishing material by the body." (National Cancer Institute, 2024). Nutrition can be broken down into three parts:

  1. consuming food or drink
  2. the body breaking down the consumed food or drinks into nutrients
  3. the nutrients travel through the bloodstream to different parts of the body where they are used as fuel and for many other purposes

C.J. Capersen, K.E. Powell, & G.M. Christenson. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public Health Rep., 100(2), 126-131.,health%2D%20or%20skill%2Drelated.

Leist, S. (2021). Health & wellness: Physical health. Virginia Wesleyan University.,they%20are%20supposed%20to%20function.

National Cancer Institute. (2024). Nutrition.

Looking for more information on your campus?

Use the following search terms when searching:

  • fitness AND college students
  • workout plans
  • nutrition AND college students
  • physical activities AND mental health
  • exercise plan AND mental health