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This LibGuide was made possible by the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund.
Resiliency: Crisis Intervention LibGuide by Rachael Pontillo is marked with CC0 1.0
This LibGuide features materials related to crisis intervention. Please see below for instructions on how to navigate this guide:
According to the National Library of Medicine, crisis intervention is, "...a short-term management technique designed to reduce potential permanent damage to an individual affected by a crisis" (Wang & Gupta, 2023). It is the brief application of psychotherapy or counseling to aid individuals, families, and groups (American Psychological Association, 2018). Using crisis intervention may aid in the prevention of more serious consequences, such as PTSD (APA, 2018).
A crisis is defined as an overwhelming event, which can include divorce, violence, death, or the discovery of a serious illness (Wand & Gupta, 2023). The use of crisis intervention may also be used on an emergency basis for individuals experiencing mental health crises, such as an acute psychiatric episode or attempted suicide (APA, 2018).
American Psychological Association. (2018). Crisis intervention.
Wang, D. & Gupta, V. (2023) Crisis intervention.
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