Understanding and Supporting Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders by Vern Jones; Al William GreenwoodISBN: 9781681255804
Publication Date: 2022-03-03
Print ISBN: 9781681255743
EISBN: 9781681255804
Lcc: LC4181
Students who experience serious emotional and/or behavioral disorders (EBD) are at risk for a wide range of negative outcomes, from limited academic progress to problems with employment and community life after they leave school. Positive educational experiences can help, and this textbook fully prepares educators, school psychologists, and administrators to create supportive K-12 learning environments that help students with EBD thrive. This comprehensive text gives professionals a deep understanding of the key issues associated with EBD and practical, trauma-informed approaches for working with these students in a variety of settings, from general education classrooms to specialized intervention programs. Readers will discover how to: Recognize key factors that influence each student's behavior, such as developmental history, personal characteristics, skill sets, and social perceptions Help students develop positive, supportive personal relationships with adults and peers in the classroom Deliver meaningful, engaging instruction within safe and supportive learning environments Involve students in creating behavioral standards that support engagement in instruction Develop effective behavior support plans that include assessment and intervention Respond with proven strategies when students fail to follow established behavior standards Engage students in problem solving and conflict resolution Implement social-emotional learning strategies that help break down obstacles to school success Develop and assess a program that provides specialized support in a more contained setting for students with more intensive needs Create a plan for staff development and support of staff working in programs for students with EBD Special features throughout the book--such as chapter outcomes, summaries, reflection activities, forms, sample lessons, checklists, and case studies--ensure comprehension and help readers successfully implement the concepts and methods. Also included is a complete package of online companion materials for faculty, featuring PowerPoint slides, a test bank, and sample syllabi. An essential textbook and an important inservice professional resource, this book gives readers the knowledge and skills they need to support students with EBD and help them succeed in school and in life.