This LibGuide is a template that was created for other UNC Academic Libraries.
This LibGuide was made possible by the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund.
Resiliency: Supporting Student Veterans by Rachael Pontillo is marked with CC0 1.0
This LibGuide features materials related to student Veterans. Please see below for instructions on how to navigate this guide:
To understand how to serve student veterans in higher education, it is vital to understand the following terms (Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, 1999; National Center for PTSD, 2012; South Dakota State University, n.d.)
Statistics (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2023):
National Center for PTSD. (2012). Active duty vs. reserve or national guard.
Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation. (1999). Definitions.
U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2023). Learn about student veterans.
South Dakota State University. (n.d.). Working with student veterans.