Why? To follow global business trends and research companies
What? Journals, dissertations, business periodicals, industry reports, and data
Why? To search a helpful resource for entrepreneurs with content ranging from the scholarly to the practical, including a full toolkit of sample business start-up plans, video clips, journals, business cases, and more
What? Journals, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, practical guides, templates, forms, and sample business plans
Why? To gain insights from business market research from trusted sources including Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch, and Barnes Reports
What? Company profiles, industry and market reports, and market research overviews
Why? To access current information on 100M+ US businesses in order to find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, conduct job searches and market research, and more
What? Databases
Why? To research global business history via 1,000+ full-color, full-text back issues of Fortune Magazine
What? Magazine articles, images
When? 1930 - 2000
Materials in the library are organized by subject. Browsing the shelves of the library in-person can help you discover new work, materials, inspiration, and connections. Listed below are general call number ranges for business and theatre at UNCSA Library:
You can search our digital and in-library collections simultaneously by title, author, subject, or keyword via LibrarySearch. Click Advanced Search for additional search criteria (like material type, language, year, etc.).
NOTE: Stage Money is also available as an ebook.