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UNCSA Staff Resources

Resources for work and home

Free articles, books, videos, and courses supporting professional development for UNCSA staff. 

General Resource Sites

Films On Demand Workplace Skills Series 

  • 2 Minutes to Success 
    Twenty five 2+ minute video series
    This series of short videos provides quick advice and tools for dealing with common workplace issues, and for developing your skills.

  • Workplace Excellence
    Ten 8-12 minute video series
    Getting the most out of your team involves everything from communication and encouraging creativity to ensuring a desirable and safe workspace. 

  • Mental Health: Worker’s Edition 
    Eleven 4-14 minute videos
    Mental health and wellbeing is perhaps the most significant health and safety issue in the workplace today. 

  • In the Workplace: Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking
    Four 7-8 minute titles

  • Success at Work 
    Ten 8-11 minute videos
    Ten fresh videos to demonstrate essential employability skills that Millennials can use to achieve success in their organization and wherever their future endeavors may take them. Lessons are engineered for viewers to see a clear picture of success and to maximize effectiveness in communication, prioritization and organization. 

  • Insights and Strategies: Workplace Skills
    Thirty six 7-18 minute videos
    This series offers a brilliant range of new programs on hot business topics to foster awareness and improvement. These valuable lessons for success inspire best practice with up-to-date knowledge from a range of business leaders.

  • Are You Job Ready?
    Ten 9-11 minute videos
    This series shines a spotlight on employability skills by demonstrating positive and negative interactions at work. Young people in the authentic workplace scenarios show learners how to communicate well, manage conduct themselves professionally, solve problems, and work as a team. 

  • Office Workplace Health and Safety
    Eighteen 4-6 minute videos
    This 18 part workplace safety series is tailored to the office setting, covering important safety and workplace wellbeing topics, including reporting accidents, incidents and near-misses, dealing with difficult behavior, hazard identification and risk control, equal opportunity employment, and more. 

Alexander Street Professionalism Training Videos 
Sixteen 6-11 minute videos

Spanish language resources

2 Minutos Para El Exito
Cuarenta y seis videos de 2 minutos
Una serie de vídeos de microaprendizaje de dos minutos de duración, elaborados por expertos en psicología, con consejos prácticos y técnicas que le ayudarán a afrontar los problemas del lugar de trabajo y a ser más productivo, estar menos estresado, mejorar su imagen y recuperar el control de su vida.